Aubrey gave me a gift that has the words written "The most important things in life are not things". So very true.
I am learning that there is a "new normal" for me in my life. I just have to get used to the "new normal" and help others around me realize what that is and how to deal with it.
Here are some of my new normals: I need help walking sometimes, I need someone to sit next to me at church and realize that I might end up resting my head on their shoulder, I need people to help me with transportation because I can't drive etc. So life goes on and we accept "new normal" and make the best of it.
Just so this is upbeat I wanted to add pictures of some of the silver linings and greatest blessings in my life.
Family that we shared precious memories with last year:
My brother Don and his wife Rae Jean for a weekend visit.
My sister Michelle and her family with Mom and Dad and sister in-law Rae Jean.
Extra special treat was my institute class doing a surprise Christmas Carol visit. Yeah I wasn't dressed.
Family and friends are the silver lining to every life of every day :)